Story 21358-Night

I am going to fail Gate exam.

Q. Why?

A. I am not attending the sufficient amount of lectures.

Q. Why?

A. I guess I am so busy in doing nothing to attend the class that I end up doing nothing nothing or sleeping.

Q. What you are going to do then?

A. I have few plans.

Q. What plan?

A. Ask me after a week and I will answer it.

Q. Why not today?

A. If I write about it on my blog post I will get ginx.

Q. Do you really belief this?

A. Yes. Besides natural forces I have faith in supernatural powers too.

Q. Okey. It’s been a while I didn’t ask you this question but tonight is the night. How is last blog post performed?

A. Suspense. My last blog post have five views, four likes, zero comment with 0.8 liked to viewed ration.

Q. Isn’t it quite a good score?

A. Of course. Four people out of five liked my self talk.

Q. What will you do then?

A. I will congrats myself for writing such a engaging self-talk.

Q. Are you not grateful to people who liked your blog post?

A. I am very grateful to them but my quest make me wish for everyone and myself all the pleasures of living.

Q. What this mean?

A. This means that air, water, soil etc., don’t divide anyone and serve everyone equally.

Q. What does this means?

A. Raise the standard of your questions.

Q. Will you stop complicating thing because of your stupidity and keep the things simple?

A. It is pretty simple. If you are not getting it it’s your fault.

Q. Do god is partial.

A. Yes. Due to poor internet connection I lost unsaved lines from this blog post and I have to go now. I wish everyone and myself all the pleasures of living because destiny is neither friend nor enemy. It is as it is. Remember to give a shout out my eBook Suryavanshi Stories on amazon.

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